Written and recorded mostly during the 6 month long 2020 Melbourne Covid Lockdown, this is a tremendous sequel to Fat Little Bastard's 2004 experimental double album "Oskorei Jazz Cafe 1 & 2". That effort began with a question: "If the founders of Norwegian Black Metal were to hang out in a cafe - what music would they be listening to?" This follow-up may or may not be the answer, but it's definitely a valiant effort. Containing a fusion of multiple genres stapled onto bits of jazz - we get mindbendy tunes about your face and my face too - a meeting of friends to sing about chicken necks - sonic destruction at a ski lodge - smooth jazz guitars humming along to leaf-blowers - and have I mentioned the Enya cover? There's an Enya cover. (But don't forget there's also a part 3.) All these superdooper songs are (C) Xtian/KVEldritch, 2021 ("Caribbean Blue" by Nick Ryan / Eith Ni-bhraonain / Roma Shane Ryan). Thanks to everyone appearing on "Chicken Necks" (full list at above URL).

Howdy! My name is XTIAN, I am a surrealistical artist guy from Melbournia. This be a blog of my arts, a sort of "what's new?" with regards to everything from collages to music to film. I make a lot of stuff (mostly collages though. Do you? Get in touch.) WARNING: some of this gear may be NSFW. For more of my stuff see www.gadzooxtian.com .
Friday, December 3, 2021
Fat Little Bastard - Oskorei Jazz Cafe 4
Written and recorded mostly during the 6 month long 2020 Melbourne Covid Lockdown, this is a tremendous sequel to Fat Little Bastard's 2004 experimental double album "Oskorei Jazz Cafe 1 & 2". That effort began with a question: "If the founders of Norwegian Black Metal were to hang out in a cafe - what music would they be listening to?" This follow-up may or may not be the answer, but it's definitely a valiant effort. Containing a fusion of multiple genres stapled onto bits of jazz - we get mindbendy tunes about your face and my face too - a meeting of friends to sing about chicken necks - sonic destruction at a ski lodge - smooth jazz guitars humming along to leaf-blowers - and have I mentioned the Enya cover? There's an Enya cover. (But don't forget there's also a part 3.) All these superdooper songs are (C) Xtian/KVEldritch, 2021 ("Caribbean Blue" by Nick Ryan / Eith Ni-bhraonain / Roma Shane Ryan). Thanks to everyone appearing on "Chicken Necks" (full list at above URL).
Friday, November 19, 2021
Fat Little Bastard - Oskorei Jazz Cafe 3
Friday, October 8, 2021
Thursday, October 7, 2021
All religions are sprung from a misunderstanding (Edited)
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
ignore this, i'm whineing or venting or whatever
fuck me sideways there's not a single day that adobe doesn't fuck up on me.
i mean hats off to them, photoshop is 31 yrs old this year, and they've managed to create a perfectly human piece of software - it works super-dooper but is riddled with bugs. like a human designer - does a top job but is an alco or a coke-fiend.
every fucking day there's some bug in photoshop or premiere.
how on god's green earth do you make software 30 fucking plus years into the game that is riddled with some basic bullshit work-experience kid bugs?
like honestly, the frustration is real, lift your fucking game already, i'm paying for this fucking shit and that's what i get - fucking shit.
fuck you.
Friday, June 4, 2021
lovecrowcomic weekly update
Hello, welcome back.
Okay, so things have changed around here a bit. I have decided that I am spreading this thing too far and wide, so it's all relocated to the one place : my website . There you can read it for free, but censored.
There won't be any more weekly updates here - I might stick the odd page/ image here to show it off. The comic will be on my website, updated EVERY FRIDAY (unless otherwise noted). You have choices:
If you are a PATREON supporter, turn to page 47 to keep reading.
If you are not a PATREON supporter, but want to be - turn to page 47.
If you are not a PATREON supporter, but want to keep reading the free CENSORED version, turn to page 22.
If you are not a PATREON supporter and just want to throw me a small tip (eg: the price of a coffee), turn to page 22, then page 9.
What you get on PATREON: UNCENSORED pages, sketches, backstories, and coming soon: hi-res images.
Quick links:
PATREON: patreon.com/gadzooxtian
KO-FI: ko-fi.com/gadzooxtian (support the project for the price of a coffee)
MERCH: redbubble.com/people/gadzooxtian/shop
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/Lovecrowcomic-105226991748418
DEVIANTART: deviantart.com/gadzooxtian
ARTSTATION: artstation.com/gadzooxtian
or just search #lovecrowcomic .
Friday, May 21, 2021
lovecrowcomic weekly update 5 - VIDEO UPDATE
First things first, the new pages:
Quick links:
PATREON: patreon.com/gadzooxtian
KO-FI: ko-fi.com/gadzooxtian (support the project for the price of a coffee)
MERCH: redbubble.com/people/gadzooxtian/shop
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/Lovecrowcomic-105226991748418
DEVIANTART: deviantart.com/gadzooxtian
ARTSTATION: artstation.com/gadzooxtian
or just search #lovecrowcomic .
Friday, May 14, 2021
lovecrowcomic weekly update 4 - stuff is happening!
Hello friends!
First, what you're here for, the new pages:
"Must die. Must die and be reborn. Act on my words. Prepare to be entombed. Prepare to die. Kill me Lord! I am your servant!"
- - -
Notes: yes, censored here, but not on PATREON (go THERE).
"All fat is the Lord's" - is an actual Bible quote, Leviticus 3:16 (a chapter alternating between being tediously boring and psychopathicly evil). This was also a song by a band I used to be in, "the low priests" (https://soundcloud.com/the-low-priests/all-fat-is-the-lords - I'm the guy yelling lots).
New stuff: the comic now has a facebook page you can follow HERE . There is also a deviantart page for highlights - HERE, and on Artstation - HERE. Of course the best way is via PATREON, where it's all uncensored, plus you get sketches, and other behind-the-scenes stuff. You know, if you like pictures of guts and demon pee-pees - that's where you'll find them. There'll be boobs too eventually, don't worry.
The next update will be a video update, I will try and make every 5th one a video update, so you'll see my lovely visage. Gadzoox!
Quick links:
PATREON: patreon.com/gadzooxtian
KO-FI: ko-fi.com/gadzooxtian (support the project for the price of a coffee)
MERCH: redbubble.com/people/gadzooxtian/shop
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/Lovecrowcomic-105226991748418
DEVIANTART: deviantart.com/gadzooxtian
ARTSTATION: artstation.com/gadzooxtian
or just search #lovecrowcomic .
Friday, May 7, 2021
#lovecrowcomic weekly update 3 - CENSORED! Already??
Hello friends!
In this update: new pages, old enemies.
The comic is now 47 pages long, and a month and a half old - AND HAS ALREADY BEEN CENSORED by another website! I uploaded page 7 to my online store (see below) - only to have it pulled by them for no clear reason:
There is no pornography on display. No blood. No guts. No nazi messages. It's a bit grim, but did they bother to ask wtf the image was? No. Which brings me to:
I have always struggled with getting an audience for my work or keeping one. But the number one fan that has always been there is censorship. I've had so many things pulled from various websites protecting their wallets that it's not funny. And NEVER was there a depiction of hardcore porn, excessive violence/ gore or nazi crap. But that's the thing about Mr.Censorship: unpredictable belligerent sociopathy. EAT MY FUCKING ARSE, sir.
Okay, that's off my chest - and joke's on them: I managed to re-up the image and ticked their stupid "adults only" box - so all you adults out there now can grab a T if you wish (just don't wear it around other adults).
Okay, here're the new pages:
UP NEXT: gore!!!
Friday, April 30, 2021
#lovecrowcomic weekly update 2
Hello friends!
This week I bring you some monsters and some new pages that are good, but I want to try re-doing them. I think this first version is a bit stilted perhaps, but I kinda like that, it's eery and dream-like in it's lifelessness and keeps within the original confines of the project: make it look photocopied.
So here're pages 40 - 43:
Friday, April 23, 2021
Lovecrow Comic - weekly update 1
Welcome to the first weekly update on the Lovecraft & Crowley comic - I shall try and do these every Friday so I can get to Heaven. To avoid confusion: new images will be posted here - uncensored versions will be at PATREON.
Next: I am very happy with the progress of this thing - it will take a long time, but I get to work on it everyday (along w. some other projects). How long to go? Well, check this screenshot out:
Also: scratch this hashtag into your forearm:
for that is what ye shall google to find out more - and what you should use when talking about it (plz&tq).
Now, here are some new pages, they ain't purty, but you are - thank you for taking a look!

Thursday, April 22, 2021
Lovecraft & Crowley Comic - first 30 pages
Here are the first 30 pages of my new collage comic project.
To see uncensored images, find me on PATREON: patreon.com/gadzooxtian .