Hello friends!
This week I bring you some monsters and some new pages that are good, but I want to try re-doing them. I think this first version is a bit stilted perhaps, but I kinda like that, it's eery and dream-like in it's lifelessness and keeps within the original confines of the project: make it look photocopied.
So here're pages 40 - 43:
Dafuq is going on?
This week I've been busy birthing monsters for this comic - yes, as per above, here there be monsters, Demons in fact. ( Need a reminder for where they come from? Visit the "official site" for the comic:
gadzooxtian.com/grimcomic.html .)
There are two demons, for now we get to meet
Demon 1 (yes, that lovely critter above), here it be:
"She's a very sexy girl/ the kind you don't take home to mother..."
MIND YOU: this is not the Demon's FINAL look.
Current page tally (not counting the above since I wanna re-try them):
More pages than I have teeth!
Okey-dokes, till next time!
Don't forget if you like what you see, support the project on PATREON -
patreon.com/gadzooxtian - there are no tiers yet, everyone can get in on the cheap. If you're super-cheap, you can support the project on KO-FI - a donation the price of a cup of coffee -
ko-fi.com/gadzooxtian .
AND A REMINDER: please use
#lovecrowcomic when mentioning this project - Thanks!!!