I'm not trying to say anything, or at least not a thing that is concrete, or a thing that can be explained in just a few spoken or written (or even sung) words.
Dali said something along the lines of "Just because I do not at the time of creation know what my picture is saying does not mean it doesn't mean anything."
But during, before and after - my collages aren't saying anything. They're not supposed to.
The picture is what it is - what is being said is right the fuck there - there are no hidden meanings. It is said via images - not words.
In words - my pictures mean nothing. I am not trying to express anything. I think people (even artists and critics) find it disturbing that someone would go to all that effort to say nothing.
Why do I HAVE TO say anything? What is the Universe saying by making a lump of rock? "Hey everybody, looky my rock! It's expressing quantum mechanics in a state of flux, but in a derisive way is mocking organic chemistry, vegetarians AND carnivores at the same time - that's right, you're Unky Universe is PRO rock-eating bacteria! But not really..."
What is the Universe trying to say?!!
Sorry, got side-tracked there.
I'm not saying I'm the Universe - well actually I am, as are you and everyone else-, but as a creator of images, I have to say I never launch into it with a clear-cut idea of what it will be - like many other artists, I search around until the image is done. It's not me communicating - it's the image telling me what it is. No, not in some stupid "psychic" or "occult" or whatever New Age bollocks sense - but in a "connecting with the unconscious" way. There (in the unconscious), it's pretty much just chaos and existence. It's the Last Words of Dutch Schultz - amazing, but jibberish (www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv7WnmW9SsM).
So there you have it. My collages say nothing, and I'm proud of that. You savvy?