Monday, December 30, 2019

The end is nigh for The Micturating Angel

As per my other blog for The Micturating Angel:

Sooooo - The Micturating Angel is coming to an end.
I've finished making the last pages - I'm just cleaning them up now in Photoshop and editing the dialogue, and once that's done I will be launching Vol 3. You will read it here first! Then there will be the book version of course.
No mores!
Seven years of collaging wrapped up nice n'neat.

I've been posting some behind-the-scenes photos on the facebook site [HERE], but the actual comic will be posted here of course.
And don't forget, Vol 1 and 2 are available from [HERE], or you can buy a T-shirt/ print/ sticker, etc from the redbubble store [HERE]- why wouldn't you? RIGHT?!
(Oh man, and the cartoon - if you've not seen the cartoon yet - get ye [HERE] right now!!!)



shut up, you KNOW they can hold a tune

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Go forth and check out the Angels and myself here:

Here, have a screenshot:

I yem feymoose!!!

It's a lovely website dedicated to all things surreal and contemporary-surreal (as per the title). I'm in good company - and thanks to Mr.Jay for making this happen!

Friday, July 26, 2019

TheMicturatingAngel Vol 2 front cover

Volume 2 front cover - 1o6 pages - 1ooo collages -
"I LOVE your collage work! It is VERY surreal... your comics are great!", Rev. Ivan Stang, Church of the Subgenius
"...a very original comic...", Surrealismo Internacional

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Micturating Angel Vol 2 - OUT NOW!!!

Scope this ad:

Go forth and purchase from - issues 11-20, collected as Volume 2!
Only $12 + postage - cheapy cheaps!
(For more info visit .)

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Micturating Angel Vol2 book - cover reveal

On my other blog, the one dedicated to The Micturating Angel surreal collage-comic series, you can scope the cover of Vol 2 -  that is, the collected issues 11 - 20, collected into one book - soon to be unleashed!

See that aforementioned cover HERE
(No sneak-peeks on this blog!)

Monday, February 18, 2019

The Micturating Angel Issue #20

Issue #20 out now, read all about it !!!

If you've read any of this - thanks. I mean it.
If you're not familiar, start with Series 1 HERE.
And pray do click any/ all links below to show some support for this utterly pointless masterpiece.

_ _ _ _ _
to be continued... in JULY???

LIKE The Micturating Angel on facebook: HERE
Follow it on tumblr: HERE
See the Micturating Angel Cartoon: HERE
Buy the book: HERE
T-shirts!!! HERE
Donate me a cup of coffee HERE

Monday, February 4, 2019

Micturating Angel #18 - OUT NOW


_ _ _ _ _
to be continued... NEXT WEEK!

LIKE The Micturating Angel on facebook: HERE
Follow it on tumblr: HERE
See the Micturating Angel Cartoon: HERE
Buy the book: HERE
T-shirts!!! HERE
Donate me a cup of coffee HERE

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Destroy that book!

I was given a very big and very expensive book aboooout... 12?, 15? years ago. It was given to me by a lovely chap who really liked my collage work, saying I would know how to make masterpieces from it. It is, like I say, a very large book, full of full-page, full colour illustrations. See if I can google it...

GREAT ALTARPIECES - Gothic and Renaissance

Can't find a bigger, better pic...

Anyways. It's a stunningly beautiful book, and as such I've been afraid to cut it up! It's a book! I respect books (94% of the time)! It's pricey! It's expensive! It's out of print (as I've just discovered).

Then... it just sat on my bookshelf. Gathering dust. I stopped reading it ages ago. Just a very large object.

Over a decade passes...

Then... a moment of realisation! THIS isn't the ONLY copy of this book in the world! "There are many like it - but this one is mine." My bookshelf may miss out - but not the world. 



So out came the knife, the scissors and the glue. I've been wanting to make some large collages anyway...

And so I present you with the first of many giant altarpiece images re-worked for a new... Millenium? Whatevz. Enjoy.

I know it - and you know it [2019]

more works:
my dot com

Monday, January 28, 2019

The Micturating Angel #17

Yep, away we go. And there's some colour in there! It's symbolic! It won't be in the printed version!

Go here NOW:

And don't forget there's a competition on (details HERE), and you can win a signed copy of The Micturating Angel Vol. 1 book (see it HERE).

Are YOU your neck? Then who IS?!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Monday, January 14, 2019

The Micturating Angel #15

It's out now, issue #15!
We say goodbye to ShadowgirlCarol and The Secret Chiefs, and we begin a new adventure: Sarah of the Victorian era!
There is also a competition - you can WIN a copy of the book The Micturating Angel Vol 1! (Click HERE to scope the prize.)
Click the pikkie below to go to issue #15 & to see the competition.

Monday, January 7, 2019